26.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Actual cost — AccountingToolsFor example, if Company A has $100,000 in sales and a COGS of $60,000, it means the gross profit is $40,000, or $100,000 minus $60,000. Divide gross profit by sales for the gross profit margin, which is 40%, or $40,000 di... Read more
26.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Malabsorption Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Risk FactorsTypes of absorptionWhen heated, the solid desorbs (releases) refrigerant vapour, which subsequently is cooled and liquefied. This liquid refrigerant then provides a cooling effect at the evapo... Read more
25.06.2020 by Harry Vance
How to write down inventory — AccountingToolsRelease of the Allowance for Obsolete InventoryHow do you calculate inventory reserves?In our example on inventory write downs, an allowance for obsolete inventory account is created when the value of inve... Read more
25.06.2020 by Harry Vance
What is the difference between corporation and incorporation?Can a Limited Liability Company (LLC) Issue Stock?The most famous debate on incorporation was waged between Justices Hugo Black and Felix Frankfurter. Dissenting in Adamson v. California ,... Read more
25.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Circular-flow diagramCircular Flow of Income and Expenditure-Four Sector EconomyHow do you explain the circular flow of income?9. Circular Flow of Income: The circular flow means the unending flows of production of goods and services, income and expe... Read more
24.06.2020 by Harry Vance
HR Metrics: How and Why to Calculate Employee Turnover Rate?Companies calculate the average collection period to make sure they have enough cash on hand to meet their financial obligations. Furthermore, a low accounts receivable turnover rate could i... Read more
24.06.2020 by Harry Vance
How To Draw Flow Net Seepage By HandWhat is Velocity Potential and Stream Function?Lakes are important habitats for a variety of species and have a high recreational value for people. Especially small lakes are considered to be ecologically very valu... Read more
24.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Journal entry definition — AccountingToolsn a written record of a commercial transactionBusiness transactions are events that have a monetary impact on the financial statements of an organization. When accounting for these transactions, we record num... Read more
24.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Disqualification of DirectorsChange in Directors of Producer Com...A director is a person from a group of managers who leads or supervises a particular area of a company. Companies that use this term often have many directors spread throughout differ... Read more
23.06.2020 by Harry Vance
Depreciation Strategies Under the New Tax Law: What You Need to KnowCall us at +1-800-322-7776 or fill out the form below.How long do you depreciate land improvements?Land improvements are enhancements to a plot of land to make the land more usable.... Read more