30.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Audit Report ExamplesA disclaimer of opinion is a statement made by an auditor that no opinion is being given regarding the financial statements of a client. For example, the auditor may not have been allowed or been able to complete all planned audi... Read more
30.04.2020 by Harry Vance
What Is an Assignment of Contract?In the United States, assignment of a patent is governed by statute, 35 U.S.C.§ 261. Patent rights are assignable by an "instrument in writing." Title in a patent can also be transferred as a result of other financia... Read more
29.04.2020 by Harry Vance
assign verbDerived forms of assignBy assigning a trademark, the right of future use of the trademark will be transferred to the assignee. Trademark assigning or assigning a trade name is done by completing and signing an assignment form. It should in... Read more
29.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Is a Common Stock Considered an Asset?In financial accounting, an asset is any resource owned by the business. Anything tangible or intangible that can be owned or controlled to produce value and that is held by a company to produce positive economic... Read more
29.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Qualifying for a Mortgage with Child Support ArrearsThe lender needs to see the funds leaving your account and going to the recipient with a canceled check. This shows the lender who you paid; the amount paid; and the date you paid it. It is up to th... Read more
29.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Are Long Arms Sexier Than Long Legs?This ratio is approximately a one to one ratio, meaning that a person’s arm span is about equal to their height. There are many more human body ratios; some are independent of age, and others change as we grow from... Read more
28.04.2020 by Harry Vance
ARB definition and meaningRecommendations by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants on how accountants ought to treat certain facts or items. While Accounting Research Bulletins are not authoritative in themselves, the SEC often makes... Read more
28.04.2020 by Harry Vance
A dividend is a distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders. When a corporation earns a profit or surplus, it is able to pay a proportion of the profit as a dividend to shareholders. Any amount not distributed is taken to be re-inves... Read more
28.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Evaluating AppraisalsSources of comparable data include real estate publications, public records, buyers, sellers, real estate brokers and/or agents, appraisers, and so on. Important details of each comparable sale are described in the appraisal repo... Read more
28.04.2020 by Harry Vance
Financial results are Profit and Loss from the company's activities. To determine them, you need to deduct expenses from your income. If the difference is positive, the company has made a profit. If it's negative, a loss, the financial result can be... Read more