Capital Campaigns

Because some campaign costs will be the same, no matter how big or small your goal. These same costs, though, will be come to a larger percentage of your goal if your goal is a smaller one.

What is a capital campaign strategy?

Capital campaigns are concentrated efforts undergone by nonprofits to accomplish a high-impact fundraising goal. These campaigns generally raise money to fund a large-scale purchase, typically with price tags in the millions of dollars.

You already know that capital campaigns span a large length of time and require months of planning. It’s important that you vary your fundraising efforts, especially during different phases of the campaign. This shows the number of donations you will need to reach a fundraising goal, with specifications on the number of gifts at varying levels you’ll need to raise. Within the planning phase, you must complete a feasibility study, assemble your team, set your goals, deadlines, and budget, and conduct a prospect screening.

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Without a feasibility study prior to your campaign, you risk investing a lot of time and money into something that won’t follow through. A full-service consulting firm that brings over 75 years of experience, Averill empowers nonprofits with the capacity and confidence they need to achieve their capital campaign goals. Averill adheres to proven best practices in campaign strategy and direction, feasibility studies, and leadership training. Your capital campaign planning committee should be formed to help plan the campaign and will consist of between 10 and 15 members. To get started, consider some of the following components of successful capital campaigns as you begin plotting out your strategy.

Consulting expenses include campaign planning studies, ongoing campaign counsel, and travel. Once you’ve established a budget, created a financial goal, and determined your deadline, you can start preparing your support documents. These documents will help convey the professionalism and and seriousness of your capital campaign, encouraging supporters to donate. In addition to the typical indicators of capacity and willingness, don’t forget to include other aspects of someone’s identity that could support your capital campaign, like matching gift eligibility. If you have someone’s employer listed in their donor profile or can extrapolate from public information, you can look into their matching gift eligibility with a matching gifts database.

The chair will be in charge of overseeing your committee and act as an ambassador for your capital campaign within the community. When these items are expensed to support campaign fundraising, they should be included when calculating the cost of fundraising. When these items are expensed to support campaign fundraising they should be included when calculating the cost of fundraising. Include all items for each separate campaign event and include the costs when calculating the cost of fundraising.

Ready To Take The Wheel Of Your Campaign?

They have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable at the time of publication. Ensure your budget aligns with the grant’s guidelines, the funder’s expectations, and what you write in your grant proposal.

Grants are sought at the outset of a campaign and often set nonprofits up with the possibility of encountering other major gift donors. Make sure your capital campaign supporters know how to maximize their impact by informing them of matching gift opportunities. Matching gift programs allow corporate employers to match their employee’s charitable donations, effectively doubling, or even tripling, the influence of a single donor. While it’s important to keep donors in the know during any sort of fundraising campaign, it’s especially vital to update supporters during a capital campaign. One of the best ways to entice major gift donors to contribute to your capital campaign is to offer exciting incentives. As you learned earlier, a feasibility study is used to gauge whether or not you will meet the goals of your potential capital campaign.

Reading: Developing A Marketing Campaign And Budget

Marketing Budget models are considered to be a key component of an annual budget and are used by marketing managers to estimate expenses and marketing campaign schedules. A key functionality in this type of budget input form allows the user to view the historical spend and input the total estimated cost per campaign, which is then spread across the applicable months. Adjustments can then be applied and the final total campaign budget measured against a goal or a limit provided by management. You will find an example of this type of budget input form below.

Between marketing materials, the costs of fundraising events, and other related expenses, it’s difficult to raise a large sum of money without spending some money. Make sure that your financial goal takes these costs into account. Valuable prospects.Be sure to include key giving prospects in your capital campaign committee.

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This simply means you’ll need to continue refining your plans in each stage, like by trimming expenses or planning to raise more. Having a solid budget in place early will also be critical once it’s time to advocate for your campaign plans and secure buy-in from your board. This consulting firm brings a unique approach to fundraising by connecting major stakeholders to missions. They’ve guided more than 320 diverse organizations through campaigns that have raised a total of over $1 billion in funds. Areas of expertise include capital campaign planning and donor identification. Donor retention, or how many previous donors will return to donate to your campaign.

It is a team initiative that requires the support and commitment of several people. After examining all fundraising routes, you’ve determined that a capital campaign is the right way to go. Reach out to talk about how the DonorSearch platform can help your organization reach more donor prospects, raise more money and build long-lasting donor relationships. Within the site, you should provide the donation page for your capital campaign, event registration forms, progress updates on the campaign, and engagement materials like videos and photos.

Consider creating a separate site for your capital campaign or a dedicated page. Instead of directing supporters to your main site in your online promotions, you can send them directly to your campaign website/page. It should include a brief background summary of your organization, an explanation of the project and goal, details on why the project is important, and a defense of why you’re doing this now. The goal of a capital campaign grant is to make a large contribution to worthy renovation projects that will enhance the mission of the recipient charity. This way, you’ll know that you have dependable and dedicated software as you plan and conduct your campaign. After it’s done, your software should collect all the important data that you can learn from at the conclusion of the campaign.

Depending on the size of your committee and the scope of your capital campaign, you may need to break up your team into various subcommittees to help handle smaller or more detailed projects. Depending on your type of nonprofit, these team members may be faculty, heads of departments, or senior executives. It’s a good idea to have a selection of people from different departments and areas for a well-rounded capital campaign team. So, your organization needs to raise a significant amount of money for a particular project. This might be a long-awaited renovation for your organization’s headquarters or perhaps another big-ticket project that can’t be covered by your annual fundraising efforts alone.

It is absolutely crucial that your capital campaign has a cohesive brand. It helps tie all of your efforts together and makes the work you do recognizable across your various fundraising channels. Your capital campaign should also create a unique tagline. The right slogan ensures that your capital campaign stands out from the pack.

Sometimes this can be something simple such as a case brochure. More often, campaigns need video, web, social media, and more robust print assets to best get the point across. The value of these assets is not just to the donor, they can also inspire and empower campaign volunteers to be more effective fundraisers.

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A gift pyramid is a document that outlines how many major gifts you’ll need at different levels in order to reach your campaign’s goals. For each phase, go ahead and outline the key tasks, events, and anticipated expenses that you can already take into account. For example, if you already know that you’ll conduct a feasibility study early in the process, plan ahead to include it in the planning phase. Plan ahead to conduct ongoing prospect research and use prospecting tools during the quiet phase. If you know that you’ll need new virtual event software or have been waiting for a good opportunity to invest in AI fundraising tools, those are also important points to know in advance.

Remember that it is supposed to be a general guideline; a generous donor might give 80% of your needed funds with one check. An unsuccessful capital campaign can be hugely detrimental to your nonprofit’s reputation, so a feasibility study is crucial.

Look for candidates with both an affinity for your organization and the ability to gift a large donation. Before you make any hiring decisions, you need a good sense for what a consultant’s past work product has been and the quality you can expect for your campaign. The steering committee is in charge of making sure everything runs as it is supposed to throughout the campaign. Before donating, supporters know exactly what it is they’re helping to accomplish.

Donorly is a nonprofit consulting team that prioritizes donor and prospect research. Their data-based approach, along with their emphasis on a collaborative culture, have benefited nonprofits in every sector. They offer services in consulting as well as board expansion and interim staffing services. The Toolkit is the only fully online and virtual campaign service available and is backed by a team of experienced campaign advisors. When you join the Toolkit, you join a growing community of successful fundraisers who are leading campaigns without a traditional campaign consultant. After months quietly courting major donors, it’s time to host a press conference and throw a launch party. For this reason, it’s important for your team to thoroughly plan out your capital campaign’s strategy prior to launching your campaign.