Capital DefinitionIn this realm, the capital market is where investable capital for non-financial companies is available. Capital markets in corporate finance may also refer to equity funding, excluding debt. Capital markets may trade in other financial securities including bonds; derivative contracts such as options, various loans, and other debt instruments, and commodity futures. Other financial instruments may be sold in capital markets and these products are becoming increasingly sophisticated.
What is capital market and its types?
There are broadly two types of financial markets in an economy – capital market and money market. Now capital market deals in financial instruments and commodities that are long-term securities. The funds will be used for productive purposes and create wealth in the economy in the long term.
What is Capital Market?
Financial capital is money entrepreneurs and businesses use to buy resources and supplies. These are then used to make products or provide services to buyers. Capital markets are financial markets that bring buyers and sellers together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets.

“A number of researchers have observed that portfolios of small-firm stocks have earned consistently higher average returns than those of large-firm stocks; this is called the ‘small-firm effect,’ ” Brigham wrote. A capital market is an organized market in which both individuals and business entities (such as pension funds and corporations) sell and exchange debt and equity securities.Sometimes, we also call the secondary market as the aftermarket and follow-on public offering (FPO). In FPO, an existing company or institutions who already have raised money through IPO can raise money. Capital market refers to a broad spectrum of tradeable assets that includes the stock market as well as other venues for trading different financial products. The stock market allows investors and banking institutions to trade stocks, either publicly or privately.The formal capital market functions primarily through stock exchanges. While the informal markets run through “Dabba Trading” for secondary market trading in listed and unlisted stocks. At the same time the “Grey Market” for primary market dealing in stocks IPO. Thus, “Dabba Trading” and “Grey Market” are examples of the capital market in the informal segment. The capital markets may also be divided into primary markets and secondary markets.The transactions in primary markets exist between issuers and investors, while secondary market transactions exist among investors. Capital market consists of primary markets and secondary markets. Primary markets deal with trade of new issues of stocks and other securities, whereas secondary market deals with the exchange of existing or previously-issued securities. Another important division in the capital market is made on the basis of the nature of security traded, i.e. stock market and bond market.After completing this course, viewers will understand the role of capital markets in the economy and will be able to explain why savers, businesses, governments and entrepreneurs participate in capital markets. Despite these federal government programs, the cost of capital for small businesses tends to be higher than it is for large, established businesses. Given the higher risk involved, both debt and equity providers charge a higher price for their funds.
These Are The Advantages For Investors
A secondary market is the part of the capital market where financial instruments already issued in primary markets are traded. Stock exchanges like NSE, BSE provides the facility for such trading. Financial instruments like stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc. are traded in the secondary market.
What is an example of a capital market?
A capital market is an organized market in which both individuals and business entities (such as pension funds and corporations) sell and exchange debt and equity securities. Examples of highly organized capital markets are the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ.

- Stock exchanges like NSE, BSE provides the facility for such trading.
- A secondary market is the part of the capital market where financial instruments already issued in primary markets are traded.
- Financial instruments like stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc. are traded in the secondary market.
Let’s have a closer look at the Financial markets:
When a publicly held company sells its securities in the capital markets, this is referred to as primary market activity. The subsequent trading of company securities between investors is known as secondary market activity. For a more detailed overview than the video includes, check out our online course, Capital Markets. Content includes an understanding of capital markets, financial assets such as stocks and bonds, primary and secondary markets, financial capital and risk.
Primary Market
Governments do not issue shares, and so cannot issue equity securities. Investment banks, governmental departments, and stock exchanges are the primary hosts of the electronic trading systems located around the world. The highest concentration of capital markets is found in prominent financial meccas such as New York, London, and Hong Kong.
Private Placement
Newly formed (issued) securities are bought or sold in primary markets, such as during initial public offerings. Secondary markets allow investors to buy and sell existing securities.These securities are considered primary offerings orinitial public offerings(IPOs). When a company goes public, it sells its stocks and bonds to large-scale and institutional investors such as hedge funds and mutual funds. A capital market is intended to be for the issuance and trading of long-term securities.This market is a key source of funds for an entity whose securities are permitted by a regulatory authority to be traded, since it can readily sell its debt obligations and equity to investors. Governments also use capital markets to raise funds, typically through the issuance of long-term bonds.
Now, Let Me Explain All About The Functions of Primary Market
Some capital markets are available to the public directly while others are closed to everyone except large institutional investors. Private trade, mostly between large institutions with high-volume trades, occurs via secured computer networks at very high speeds. These markets all trade financial securities, so they are all capital markets. The stock market is a very significant portion of the total volume of capital market trades. We saw how companies and industries raise short-term funds through the money market.
Providing a Market Placing
Stocks are financial instruments that represent partial ownership of a company. These documents are used extensively by companies as a means of raising capital. Within the stock market itself are primary and secondary markets that trade among banks underwriting stock and public investors trading stock, respectively. The majority of modern primary and secondary markets are computer-based electronic platforms. Primary markets are open to specific investors who buy securities directly from the issuing company.