Company Capability Statement Example For Job Application

When it comes to your construction business, that’s the job of a capability of statement. Core Competencies – this should not be everything your business is able to do. Use bullet points and short statements of your expertise as it relates to your target agency’s specific needs. Business Consulting, Inc. provides strategic consulting technology services and managed services to commercial, not for profit and government organizations. Our Consulting can mobilize the right people, skills and technologies to help organizations improve their performance. Providing point-of-contact information for the references you list is important in case a government official wants to make a call or send an email to one of them.

For a company doing these kinds of service, it would be nice to see pictures of what they work on. If it becomes too “busy” with colors, fonts and graphics, it can distract from the substance. We all know someone who has “a good eye,” and it doesn’t hurt to ask them just to look at it and let you know whether you’re hitting the right balance.

Business Capability Statement Template

Now is not the time to be lazy or sloppy– you need to highlight all the greatest qualities of your business through your capabilities statement. The core competencies section of a capabilities statement is typically laid out in bullet form. Some companies also include icons next to each point to further illustrate their offerings. This can be a neat way to add interest to your capabilities statement but don’t overrun your page with graphics. You can keep it both fun and professional at the same time. In short, a capabilities statement is a resume for your business.

You should prioritize this list with vendors whom you’ve done similar work for. If your company’s past projects do not relate to the targeted agency’s needs, you can leave it off of the list.

Including your set-aside qualification can also make your business desirable to agencies that need to meet small business set-aside goals. The capabilities statement is one of the most effective ways to market your company to the government.

If you need a sample Capabilities Statement or more guidance on this subject, contact your local PTAC for help. Remember, too, that your PTAC offers classes and one-on-one counseling to provide detailed instruction on marketing your business to the government sector. This capability statement really hits a lot of best practices. Between the name of the company, and the header, we know that this company uses trucks to haul stuff. The most compelling item here is the picture of the ballistic vest.

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Remember, the agency reading this needs to know you can solve their problem. Remember, the most important points should have larger fonts, and less important things should be smaller. Saying “since 1984” is not very important to the reader, though it’s got a large font. At the same time, the text at the top in white on black is difficult to read, but that’s the most important information they provide. ACA & W-2 Services Our ACA reporting & e-filing services include official 1094-C and 1095-C IRS reporting, optional e-filing , mailing to your employees and experienced support to help you. That might seem like a lot of information to include in just a few pages — it is!

The background is what caught our eye on this example of a capability statement. The imagery surrounding the main area of text gives the impression of a tough material, which is exactly the message they are going for. The header and footer give clear information and let the reader know up front what’s being offered. It shares a common problem of tech companies overusing business jargon so that in the end they don’t say anything of substance. You could rad their statement 100 times and still no know what they do.

What makes you, your crew and your business uniquely qualified? NAICS CodesIf space allows, consider including NAICS code descriptions.CertificationsList any important business classifications (HUBZone, SDVOSB, MOB, etc.) and licenses. Before diving into your company’s core competencies, the very first thing that you’ll want to include on your company capabilities statement is an “About Us” or “Company Overview” section. This should detail your company’s history and an overview of the products and/or services that your company offers. You may want to include how many years you’ve been in business and a bit about the company’s Owner/CEO as well. Think of this part as the equivalent of an “Objectives Statement” on a personal resume.


Their company statement at the top hints at great things, like market research, but does not have space to elaborate. The strong use of branded color, well thought out layout and imagery draw the reader to review the materials. Especially great, is the way they recaptured space on the side using vertical highlighted section headers. They would have been more effective on the left hand side, but it’s still a great idea.

You should create more than one for your business, depending on your current objective. You may want to highlight certain performance data on one capabilities statement versus something else on another, depending on who your audience is. Familiarize yourself with the particular agency you are targeting – do they buy what you sell? Sites like , , FedBizOps at and the Federal Procurement Data System at include information on agency profiles, government spending, and current opportunities. Agency procurement forecasts can be found at /procurement-forecasts.

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Applying a little color, some spacing and even some high-quality site photos can go a long way. The goal is to make it easy for them to see how great you are. It’s to your benefit if the information they want jumps right off the page. That happens if it’s presented clearly, completely and in an organized fashion.

Make It Stand Out Visually To Help You Stand Out Professionally

This is a great way to not only glean information for next time, but it also makes a good impression and shows that you’re willing to learn as you move forward. Have a “Capabilities Statement.” Selling in the government marketplace is very competitive.

Remember, a capability statement should only be one page, one-sided. Your capabilities statement is your company’s first impression, so you want to make it stand out from the crowd. It should be clear that you’ve spent time on this document and that it wasn’t done in a last-minute rush.

See below for a sample template and a webinar for more details. If you’re in our service area, apply to be a client for free assistance with your Capabilities Statement. If you’re outside our service area, find your nearest PTAC here. And while it’s good to have a general capability statement, you should also consider creating a new document for each individual agency, prime, or teaming opportunity.

If a company does not have much experience to show, they may not be the best fit for an agency that is looking for experienced contractors. If you have a lot of past performances highlight examples that the agency would care about.

You can tailor it as necessary depending on your audience. This is key if you don’t want to appear to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. Your audience wants to know that your business is real, authentic, reliable, and trustworthy. Creating an engaging and informative capabilities statement can certainly showcase all of your business’s greatest assets. Company data – include one or two short sentences of your company description, including number of employees and capacity. The capabilities statement should be no longer than one page front and back. This is really an overview of who you are and what you can do as a company.

Try not to include information that is irrelevant to the agency’s goal or mission, as it will distract from the benefits you are offering. You should make the agency feel like your company is truly the best fit. For example, if you are good with MS word, download our Capability Statement templates and start build your capability Statement right now! While this list of core competencies doesn’t have to be in any specific order, it’s best to start with your company’s most specific and specialized services first. This will surely help you to differentiate your company from the rest.

Manage Your Business

Typos, grammatical errors, and poor formatting is a sure way to lose out on a government deal. You can utilize to get your business noticed by both government buyers and prime contractors. It’s like having an elevator pitch that you can hand out on a moment’s notice.

We provides lot of templates that help you to create capability statement in a few hours with chosen template. Hire our team of writers and designers with a proven track record of winning federal contracts create your executive capability statement. Their opening statement is dull, but does highlight their experience working with government agencies. It needs a headline that makes that point outrageously clear.

Finally, make sure the capabilities statement is available on your website. This is not only important to government agencies, but also to potential teaming partners, sub-contractors or prime contractors that may want to work with your company. Remember that others research your website, just as you research theirs.

Fill up the whole page and show that you spent time on it. The amount of effort you put into this document could set your company apart from other contractors. Use your brand logo and all design elements that are found on your website and marketing materials. Past performance is often highly utilized when deciding if a company has the potential for success in government contracting.