Complete Collar Colors: Understanding Consumer PersonasWhile these terms may evoke an image of different social classes, the line between these types of workers is fading. As the technology associated with jobs previously considered blue collar increases, so does the amount of education needed and subsequent pay the workers receive. Electricians and cable installers are just two types of employees who have seen this increase in their fields.
What does blue collar worker mean?
A blue collar worker refers to someone whose profession requires them to perform a good amount of manual labor. Most blue collar workers are paid hourly wages although some individuals with these jobs receive an annual salary or get paid by the job.
White Collar Workers
The term “blue-collar job” emerged from the type of clothing that was typically worn by workers in these positions. Many blue-collar workers wear denim for its durability during arduous tasks and to hide stains from dirt and other debris that is usually associated with manual labor. While white-collar workers tend to make more money than blue-collar workers, this isn’t always the case. In fact, when the term was first coined, it was intended to refer to more entry-level administrative positions. However, the definition of white-collar work has since expanded to include any position that primarily involves information-based work free of manual labor.

In higher level blue collar jobs, such as becoming an electrician or plumber, vocational training or apprenticeships are required and state-certification is also necessary. White-collar jobs are known for being well-salaried, but many blue-collar jobs can also pay quite well.This is particularly true for blue-collar positions that require a high level of skill in a particular area, or those entail a large portion of managerial or project management work. Because blue-collar jobs involve physical labor, these positions often don’t require higher education and will simply ask for workers to have a high school diploma.Most blue collar workers need to wear durable clothing such as cotton or canvas so that it will remain viable even after it has seen some use. Historically, the popularity of the colour blue among manual labourers contrasts with the popularity of white dress shirts worn by people in office environments. The blue collar/white collar colour scheme has socio-economic class connotations. However, this distinction has become blurred with the increasing importance of skilled labour, and the relative increase in low-paying white-collar jobs. White-collar jobs typically offer salary pay based on overall performance in the position.
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Usually, white-collar workers are required to work a minimum number of hours to be paid. In contrast, blue-collar jobs are often wage-based, meaning that the workers are compensated based on the number of hours worked.The white-collar worker might work behind a desk in the service industry, while the blue-collar worker gets his hands dirty doing manual labor or working in a division of manufacturing. Perhaps the white-collar worker has a more well-rounded education than the blue collar worker. The term pink-collar was popularized in the late 1970s by writer and social critic Louise Kapp Howe to denote women working as nurses, secretaries, and elementary school teachers. Its origins, however, go back to the early 1970s, to when the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was placed before the states for ratification. At that time, the term was used to denote secretarial staff as well as non-professional office staff, all of which were largely held by women.
Blue-collar worker
A blue-collar job typically refers to types of work that involve manual labor or skilled labor. A white-collar job typically entails a job that involves information-based work, or, in more colloquial terms, a “desk job.” In the past, office workers were almost always required to wear white, collared shirts.

How many blue collar workers are there in America?
- Electricians and cable installers are just two types of employees who have seen this increase in their fields.
- As the technology associated with jobs previously considered blue collar increases, so does the amount of education needed and subsequent pay the workers receive.
- While these terms may evoke an image of different social classes, the line between these types of workers is fading.
What is white collar job and blue collar job?
White-collar workers are suit-and-tie workers who work at a desk and, stereotypically, eschew physical labor. Blue-collar worker stereotypical refers to workers who engage in hard manual labor, typically agriculture, manufacturing, construction, mining, or maintenance.Because these two terms are often used to describe different types of work, it can be helpful to understand the definition of each and the differences between them. In this article, we explore the main differences between blue-collar and white-collar jobs and look at several examples of positions in each grouping.Some of the most common industries that employ these individuals include warehousing, oil fields, firefighting, construction, manufacturing, sanitation, custodial work and technical installations. Most blue collar workers are paid hourly wages although some individuals with these jobs receive an annual salary or get paid by the job. Blue collar jobs are highly specialized and require someone to be skilled in performing a certain task. A high school diploma or GED is typically all that is required for this kind of work.Now, it’s utilized to refer to employees or professionals whose work is knowledge-intensive, non-routine, and unstructured. Blue-collar and white-collar are common casual-language classifications to describe various professions.White-collar workers are suit-and-tie workers who work at a desk and, stereotypically, eschew physical labor. White-collar work used to mean a high level of education and the assumption of securing a cushy job with perks. That distinction today is blurred by the fact that white-collar employment has become the dominant working class in the U.S. and other advanced nations. A blue collar worker refers to someone whose profession requires them to perform a good amount of manual labor.
Blue collar shift to developing nations

In fact, many blue-collar workers simply learn their work from senior co-workers. Some skilled blue-collar work now requires a college degree or, at a minimum, a formal apprenticeship.Many white-collar professionals work in an office, whether at home or in an actual place of work. Most people have heard the terms “white-collar jobs” or “blue-collar jobs” at some point. However, in today’s world, the line between the two types of positions has become increasingly blurry. Find out exactly what white-collar and blue-collar jobs are and what the difference is between the two. Scholars such as Judy Wajcman argue that technology has long been monopolized by men and is a great source of their power historically.
Mentioned in These Terms
A pink-collar worker refers to someone working in the care-oriented career field or in fields historically considered to be women’s work. This may include jobs in the beauty industry, nursing, social work, teaching, secretarial work, or child care. While these jobs may also be filled by men, they are typically female-dominated and may pay significantly less than white-collar or blue-collar jobs. White-collar workers are employees whose jobs entail (either largely or entirely) mental or clerical work.The terms “blue collar” and “white collar” was coined in the early 20th century by Upton Sinclair; these terms are occupational classifications that distinguish workers who perform manual labor from workers who perform professional jobs. “Blue collar” and “white collar” are two terms in the English language that evoke very different pictures. The blue-collar worker is perceived to make less than the white-collar worker.
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These positions were not white-collar jobs, but neither were they blue-collar, manual labor. Hence, the creation of the term “pink-collar,” which indicated it was not white-collar, was nonetheless an office job and one that was overwhelmingly filled by women. The distinction between white collar jobs and blue collar began in the 1920s and 1930s when it was the norm for the growing class of office workers to wear white shirts, and for manual workers to wear darker colors which would not get soiled as easily. However, the term “white collar jobs” has evolved beyond the historical meaning to mean those whose work is knowledge intensive, non-routine and less structured. Management positions, for example, are considered white collar jobs, as are professional jobs such as lawyers, doctors, accountants and engineers.Since many blue-collar jobs consist of mainly manual labor, educational requirements for workers are typically lower than those of white-collar workers. Often, not even a high school diploma is required, and many of the skills required for blue-collar jobs are learned by the employee while working.