Government Contracting Terminologies

Our rigorous process is continually refined to best meet the needs of participating agencies and allows us to offer exceptional products from nationally acclaimed suppliers. To ensure the best chance of winning a contract bid, the response to the RFP must conform to any specified requirements and should be written in a way that takes into consideration the method by which the responses will be evaluated. Most RFPs will make it clear how the response to an RFP will be reviewed and rated. Thus, the companies responding must strive to tailor their responses with these evaluation metrics in mind. The company or agency that puts out the RFP will no doubt discard any responses that clearly disregard the RFP’s requirements and evaluative factors. The City of Rochester purchases goods and services by soliciting competitive bids through formal advertisements and/or requests for quotations .

For an annual fee of $89.95, BidNet also offers vendors the option to receive email notifications of any upcoming City bids. The opportunity to identify and resolve concerns regarding the acquisition approach, including the proposed contract type, the feasibility of the requirement, and other industry concerns and questions relevant to the acquisition as proposed. To determine if you should propose and how best to satisfy the requirement given the government’s “primary desirables” and your company’s strength relative to other competitors. Sourcewell has hundreds of awarded supplier contracts in a wide variety of industries. You can quickly search contracts by product type, or browse construction contracts by state and county. The information furnished to potential offerors under oral solicitations should include appropriate items from paragraph of this section. Other relevant information; e.g., incentives, variations in delivery schedule, cost proposal support, and data requirements.

In some cases, there may be conditions that do not align with a company’s abilities. An RFP is more than just a request for a quotation, it is an actual request to perform a specific project or supply a specific product. Request for proposals will generally be issued when requirements for the project at-hand are of $25,000 or more. Often times they are issued when the selection of a supplier cannot be made solely on the basis of the lowest price.

For some small and even mid-sized companies, the expected deliverables may simply exceed a company’s capacity. It is still all too common for companies to enter into a contract with an unrealistic view of their abilities, which may well lead to some type of breach and costly dispute. When examining any RFP to determine whether to respond, a company must take a hard look at its operational capacity to ensure that it can meet the outlined requirements. The City of Rochester procures goods and services through two different processes, depending upon legal requirements. Procurement requiring competitive bidding, such as for commodities and public works contracts, are administered by the Bureau of Purchasing. Procurement of professional services, such as engineering and design services, is through a Request for Proposal process administered by various operating departments. Sourcewell’s analysts streamline the procurement process by developing RFPs and IFBs for national, competitive solicitations that meet or exceed local requirements.

Before starting make sure the goals and objectives have been agreed to by att key stakeholders. Detail the requirements that are needed to satisfy the customer’s needs. Businesses, private consumers, and for-profit organizations are not eligible. Contracts awarded to the most responsive and responsible supplier, and award notices sent. Review proposals and evaluate based on established scoring criteria.

Request For Proposal

The proposals are used to evaluate the suitability as a supplier, vendor, or institutional partner. Typically organizations follow a detailed vendor screening process to short list the vendors who should be invited for further rounds of negotiation. This screening process could either be vendor scoring models or internal discussions within the buyer organization.

A request for tender , also known as invitation to tender , is more commonly used by governments. Developing a Request for Proposal can be a very lengthy process that requires a lot of steps and work.

Phase 1: Request For Proposal Rfp Development

Many allow vendors to sign up at no charge to receive e-mails of requests either generally or for specific categories of product or service for which there is an interest. In some cases, the entire process is done on-line with responses as scanned documents or PDF files uploaded to the server; in other cases, or for legal reasons, a response must be sent in hard copy form and/or on CD/DVD disc or flash drive by mail or delivery service. A detailed and well-written RFP can help eliminate futile contract negotiations and drafting. This is because many companies and agencies that solicit contracting partners via an RFP take the opportunity to include special requirements or conditions and/or give notice to prospective responders if there are any unique facets of the deal. It is crucial for companies contemplating submitting a response to an RFP to read carefully to determine whether there is such language included in the RFP.

What happens after the RFP process?

An RFQ is often issued after an RFP, but can also be issued on its own for goods and services that are particularly standardized. The acronym RFX is often used as shorthand to indicate a Request For “Something,” be it a proposal, information, a quotation, or something else.

Today, many organizations are becoming more collaborative in the development of RFPs; this is especially true for universities and other major public entities making major technology purchases. Sometimes an RFP will seek a contracting partner for a specific project that is not necessarily time bound, whereas others will seek a contracting relationship for a predetermined period of time. In many cases, a company’s ability to perform as explained in an RFP is dependent on the number and frequency of deliverables as well as the anticipated length of the contract. Given that many companies enter into various contracts with several or many other partners, it is helpful when an RFP provides an estimate of the level of effort that the contract will require. This is generally given as the total hours expected over the life of the contract or perhaps a certain number of hours that will likely be needed on a weekly or monthly basis.

Ninety-eight PTACs – with over 300 local offices – form a nationwide network of procurement professionals dedicated procurement professionals working to help local businesses compete successfully in the government marketplace. A request for proposal is a document that solicits proposal, often made through a bidding process, by an agency or company interested in procurement of a commodity, service, or valuable asset, to potential suppliers to submit business proposals. It is submitted early in the procurement cycle, either at the preliminary study, or procurement stage. Professional service agreements are contracted for services provided by individuals or organizations that have special licenses, technical skills, training or expertise, and where the nature of the services provided are difficult to specify in a competitive bidding document. When a professional service agreement is needed, the City department requiring the services will issue an RFP, review proposals, and recommended a selection to the Mayor. Professional service agreements are not administered by the City’s Purchasing Bureau.

Phase 3: Evaluations Of Proposals

Make sure you can answer the question, “Why us” – why does your company offer the BEST value solution to the requirement, above and beyond not only basic compliance but that which will be offered by competitors. The strongest proposals will demonstrate an understanding of the agency’s priorities and concerns and clearly articulate how each will be addressed, emphasizing the company’s strengths and neutralizing any weaknesses. If facsimile proposals are authorized, contracting officers may request offeror to provide the complete, original signed proposal at a later date. A request for qualifications also known as pre-qualification questionnaire is a document often distributed before initiation of the RFP process. It is used to gather vendor information from multiple companies to generate a pool of prospects.

Identify items that require clarification and be mindful of bid period communication etiquette to maximize the likelihood of obtaining the needed information. Once the industry has commented on the RFP, It’s time to finalize the RFP and release it for solicitation. The key to writing a good Request for Proposal is to start with all the information you will need.

Government Contract Proposals

Allows for a structured evaluation and selection process that is fair and impartial. Gives a clear and detailed path forward for both customer and potential supplier. Should you propose as a prime contractor or would you have a better chance of winning as a subcontractor or part of a Joint Venture?.

Is an RFP a binding contract?

Typically the RFP and the response (or at least certain portions) will automatically become part of the resulting legal and binding contract if the requestor accepts the bid.

To make a large RFP more approachable, consider starting with sections “C – Description/Scope of Work”, “L – Instructions to Offerors”, and “M – Evaluation Factors”. If, based upon these provisions, the requirements match up well with your capabilities and the proposal delivery deadline is realistic, the full RFP should be dissected and analyzed before a go/no-go decision is made. Schools, universities, nonprofits, and government agencies can quickly and easily register to participate for free. There are no fees to use our contracts, no commitment, and no obligation to purchase—and the online registrationtakes just a few minutes. Save time and money by purchasing from our ready-to-use, competitively solicited contracts. See subpart 7.3 for additional information regarding cost comparisons between Government and contractor performance. Is generally expected to follow a structured evaluation and selection procedure, so that an organization can demonstrate impartiality – a crucial factor in public sector procurements.

Cooperative Purchasing With Sourcewell

The DD Form 254 provides to the contractor the security requirements and the classification guidance that would be necessary to perform on a classified contract. An RFP is used where the request requires technical expertise, specialized capability, or where the product or service being requested does not yet exist, and the proposal may require research and development to create whatever is being requested.

A request for solution is similar to a RFP, but more open and general. This allows the vendor or supplier the most flexibility of all RFx in expressing their solution, or their product and service combination. To gain better understanding of the government’s requirements and clear up any uncertainties or gaps in the SOW or other contractual requirements. All documents – including clauses and provisions “incorporated by reference” – need to be read carefully and thoroughly.

If the requirements analysis has been prepared properly, it can be incorporated quite easily into the Request document. There is the option to submit that draft RFP for government and industry comments.

A request for quotation is used when discussions with bidders are not required and when price is the main or only factor in selecting the successful bidder. An RFQ may also be used prior to issuing a full-blown RFP to determine general price ranges. In this scenario, products, services or suppliers may be selected from the RFQ results to bring in to further research in order to write a more fully fleshed out RFP. In commercial business practice, the RFQ is the most popularly used form of RFx, with many companies not understanding the distinction between the RFx’s, and so defaulting to RFQ. If you are new to government contracting, lengthy, complex Requests for Proposals with tight deadlines, can be overwhelming. Late proposals may or may not be considered, depending on the terms of the initial RFP.


Adequacy of administrative procedures and controls for receiving, identifying, recording, and safeguarding facsimile proposals, and ensuring their timely delivery to the designated proposal delivery location. Contracting officers may issue RFPs and/or authorize receipt of proposals, modifications, or revisions by facsimile. Electronic commerce may be used to issue RFPs and to receive proposals, modifications, and revisions.

Selling To The City Of Rochester

When proposals are submitted back to the government or organization they go through the source selection process. Although an RFP must be evaluated in its entirety, many companies have a minimum price point that they are able or willing to accept for their particular good or service. For this reason, it may be wise to first identify the maximum price that the company or agency is willing to pay, as hopefully outlined in its RFP. Even if the RFP does not specify the price it will pay, there may be an explicit cap on the overall allowable cost for the contract as a whole. If this is the case, companies must carefully analyze whether they can work within the confines of any such parameters. It would be a tremendous waste of time and energy to respond to an RFP if the financial component will not work for both parties as it is specifically spelled out in the RFP.

These requirements should be clearly and unambiguously articulated to potential offerors and what is expected from them in terms of compliance and performance. Before initiating a procurement action, the Program Office must perform due diligence in assessing what products or services already exist. The purpose of market research is to ensure that the “best value” is identified for procurement actions greater than $100,000 throughout the acquisition process, from development throughout the lifecycle of the system. RFPs often include specifications of the item, project or service for which a proposal is requested. The more detailed the specifications, the better the chances that the proposal provided will be accurate. In the militaries of many countries, an RFP is often raised to fulfill an Operational Requirement , after which the military procurement authority will normally issue a detailed technical specification against which tenders (i.e., bids) will be made by potential contractors.