HR Metrics: How and Why to Calculate Employee Turnover Rate?Companies calculate the average collection period to make sure they have enough cash on hand to meet their financial obligations. Furthermore, a low accounts receivable turnover rate could indicate additional problems in your business—ones that are not due to credit or collections processes. When companies fail to satisfy customers through shipping errors or products that malfunction and need to be replaced, your company’s turnover may slow. If you see your company’s asset turnover ratio declining over time but your revenue is consistent or even increasing, it could be a sign that you’ve “overinvested” in assets. It might mean you’ve added capacity in fixed assets – more equipment or vehicles – that isn’t being used.

Tracking Receivables Turnover Ratio
What is the accounts receivable turnover for this company?
Accounts receivable turnover is an efficiency ratio or activity ratio that measures how many times a business can turn its accounts receivable into cash during a period. In other words, the accounts receivable turnover ratio measures how many times a business can collect its average accounts receivable during the year.The ratio shows how well a company uses and manages the credit it extends to customers and how quickly that short-term debt is collected or is paid. The receivables turnover ratio is also called the accounts receivable turnover ratio. It is important to emphasize that the accounts receivable turnover ratio is an average, since an average can hide important details. For example, some past due receivables could be “hidden” or offset by receivables that have paid faster than the average.The ratio is used to measure how effective a company is at extending credits and collecting debts. Generally, the higher the accounts receivable turnover ratio, the more efficient your business is at collecting credit from your customers. Your company’s asset turnover ratio helps you understand how productive your small business has been.
Example Receivables Turnover Ratio
In short, it reveals how much revenue the company is generating from each dollar’s worth of assets – everything from buildings and equipment to cash in the bank, accounts receivable and inventories. In other words, if an investor chooses a starting and ending point for calculating the receivables turnover ratio arbitrarily, the ratio may not reflect the company’s effectiveness of issuing and collecting credit.
What Is the Receivables Turnover Ratio?
A high receivables turnover ratio can indicate that a company’s collection of accounts receivable is efficient and that the company has a high proportion of quality customers that pay their debts quickly. A high receivables turnover ratio might also indicate that a company operates on a cash basis. The accounts receivable turnover ratio is an accounting measure used to quantify a company’s effectiveness in collecting its receivables or money owed by clients.The measurement is usually applied to the entire set of invoices that a company has outstanding at any point in time, rather than to a single invoice. When measured at the individual customer level, the measurement can indicate when a customer is having cash flow troubles, since it will attempt to stretch out the amount of time before it pays invoices. The inventory turnover formula, which is stated as the cost of goods sold (COGS) divided by average inventory, is similar to the accounts receivable formula.The average collection period represents the average number of days between the date a credit sale is made and the date the purchaser pays for that sale. A company’s average collection period is indicative of the effectiveness of its accounts receivable management practices.
Example of Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio
- These ratios are used by fundamental analysts and investors to determine if a company is deemed a good investment.
- Turnover ratios calculate how quickly a business collects cash from its accounts receivable and inventory investments.
- The accounts receivable turnover ratio measures a company’s effectiveness in collecting its receivables or money owed by clients.

Businesses must be able to manage their average collection period in order to ensure they operate smoothly. The average collection period is the amount of time it takes for a business to receive payments owed by its clients in terms of accounts receivable (AR).
What Do Efficiency Ratios Measure?
Turnover ratios calculate how quickly a business collects cash from its accounts receivable and inventory investments. These ratios are used by fundamental analysts and investors to determine if a company is deemed a good investment.When you sell inventory, the balance is moved to the cost of sales, which is an expense account. The goal as a business owner is to maximize the amount of inventory sold while minimizing the inventory that is kept on hand. As an example, if the cost of sales for the month totals $400,000 and you carry $100,000 in inventory, the turnover rate is four, which indicates that a company sells its entire inventory four times every year. Accounts receivable represents the total dollar amount of unpaid customer invoices at any point in time. Assuming that credit sales are sales not immediately paid in cash, the accounts receivable turnover formula is credit sales divided by average accounts receivable.The accounts receivable turnover ratio measures a company’s effectiveness in collecting its receivables or money owed by clients. The ratio shows how well a company uses and manages the credit it extends to customers and how quickly that short-term debt is converted to cash. As a reminder, this ratio helps you look at the effectiveness of your credit, as your net credit sales value does not include cash since cash doesn’t create receivables. Accounts receivable turnover ratio is calculated by dividing your net credit sales by your average accounts receivable.
High Accounts Receivable
What is a good accounts receivable turnover ratio for a company?
The average accounts receivable turnover in days would be 365 / 11.76 or 31.04 days. For Company A, customers on average take 31 days to pay their receivables. If the company had a 30-day payment policy for its customers, the average accounts receivable turnover shows that on average customers are paying one day late.As such, the beginning and ending values selected when calculating the average accounts receivable should be carefully chosen so to accurately reflect the company’s performance. Investors could take an average of accounts receivable from each month during a 12-month period to help smooth out any seasonal gaps.The receivables turnover ratio could be calculated on an annual, quarterly, or monthly basis. The accounts turnover ratio is calculated by dividing total net sales by the average accounts receivable balance.
accounts receivable turnover ratio definition
If you have access to the company’s details, you should review a detailed aging of accounts receivable to detect slow paying customers. The average collection period is the average number of days between 1) the dates that credit sales were made, and 2) the dates that the money was received/collected from the customers. The average collection period is also referred to as the days’ sales in accounts receivable. Accounts receivable days is the number of days that a customer invoice is outstanding before it is collected. The point of the measurement is to determine the effectiveness of a company’s credit and collection efforts in allowing credit to reputable customers, as well as its ability to collect cash from them in a timely manner.The receivables turnover ratio measures the efficiency with which a company collects on their receivables or the credit it had extended to its customers. The ratio also measures how many times a company’s receivables are converted to cash in a period.Or perhaps you have assets that are doing nothing, such as cash sitting in the bank or inventory that isn’t selling. On the other hand, if your ratio is increasing over time, it could mean you’re simply becoming efficient, or it could mean you’re stretching your capacity to its limits and you need to invest to grow. Accounts receivable turnover is anefficiency ratioor activity ratio that measures how many times a business can turn its accounts receivable into cash during a period. In other words, the accounts receivable turnover ratio measures how many times a business can collect its average accounts receivable during the year. The ratio shows how well a company uses and manages the credit it extends to customers and how quickly that short-term debt is collected or being paid.