Required Fundraising Disclosure Statements

As a nonprofit organization, you have to apply for special tax designations under 501. See FindLaw’s Becoming a Tax-Exempt Organization to learn more about how to apply and enjoy exemptions from federal, state, and local taxes. If a charitable organization receives a quid pro quo contribution of greater than $75, it must provide the donor with a written disclosure statement.

For this purpose, the return includes any schedules, attachments, or supporting documents that relate to the imposition of tax on the unrelated business income of the charity. Many state solicitation laws require the “disclosure” of information about the soliciting nonprofit be on all written materials sent by any method to potential donors and included in all follow-up contact.

Acceptable forms of payment must include cash and money order (in the case of an in-person request) and certified check, money order, and personal check or credit card, in the case of a written request. However, keep in mind that an exemption request is required in Maryland, and in several other states, before the state will consider a charity exempt from the registration or disclosure statement requirements. A tax-exempt organization may charge a reasonable fee for providing copies, which is generally defined as the amount charged by the IRS for providing copies. Under regulations issued in July 2004, the IRS may not charge more for copies than the fees listed in the Freedom of Information Act fee schedule.

New Irs Rule Allows Many Nonprofits To Withhold Donor Information From The Irs

In addition, although the FOIA fee schedule directs the IRS to provide the first 100 pages free, the regulations allow the exempt organization to charge a fee for all copies. For non-commercial requesters, the FOIA schedule currently provides a charge of $.20 per page. Private foundation returns (Form 990-PF) filed on or after March 13, 2000, are subject to the same disclosure rules as apply to other exempt organizations. In sum, the Supreme Court will soon hear arguments to determine whether disclosing donor information to state officials would lead to threats, harassment, or reprisals of donors. Will the justices find that a small amount of administrative burden is a worthwhile price if it means preserving the integrity of the nonprofit sector? Will they find that a real or perceived violation of donor privacy could harm fundraising, particularly among organizations representing democratic minorities?

Please note, it can take a year to 18 months from the end of an organization’s fiscal year to when its latest Form 990 is available online. Candid Learning offers information and resources that are specifically designed to meet the needs of grantseekers. Georgia requires where to obtain a “full and fair” description of charitable program. He has worked in the corporate and nonprofit arenas as a C-Suite executive, serving on several nonprofit boards. He has been published in print publications such as Entrepreneur, Tennis, SI for Kids, Chicago Tribune, Sacramento Bee, and on websites such, SmartyCents and Youthletic. Stay up-to-date with the latest nonprofit resources and trends by subscribing to our free e-newsletters. A collaborative national project calling on board members to advance their nonprofits’ missions through greater advocacy.

There is no exception from the requirement to make documents available for public inspection. Thus, a disclosure statement in 5-point font requiring a magnifying glass to read, placed under an envelope flap, will not comply with the statutory requirement regarding placement and legibility in some states. Nonprofits generally provide their members with at least a broad overview of the association’s finances. This might include the beginning and ending bank balances for the fiscal year, a copy of the organization’s balance sheet or a breakdown of how the organization’s money was generated and spent. This might include creating a pie chart that shows the percentage of the organization’s spending that went to office administration, fundraising expenses and charitable work.

Nonprofit Explorer

Under IRS disclosure laws, a tax-exempt organization must provide copies of the required documents to any person who makes a request, either immediately for in-person requests or within 30 days of receipt of a written request. The laws allow nonprofits to charge reasonable fees for copying and postage. Nonprofits also must honor requests from the public to inspect and make copies of their annual tax returns and applications for exemption. Public inspections must be permitted during regular business hours at the organization’s principal place of business. Disclosure laws also require the IRS to provide copies of tax forms and exemption applications to members of the public who submit written requests to the agency. Disclosure laws require nonprofits to provide copies of annual tax returns covering the recent three years and related schedules and attachments.

Who may request records under the FOIA?

Who can file a FOIA request? Any person can file a FOIA request, including U.S. citizens, foreign nationals, organizations, universities, businesses, and state and local governments. Federal employees may not use government time or equipment when requesting information under the FOIA.

If an exempt organization is ineligible to receive tax-deductible contributions, it must disclose that contributions or gifts are not deductible as charitable contributions when it solicits contributions. In addition, a section 501, 501, or 501 organization incurs a proxy tax on the amount of certain expenditures not disclosed to members who pay dues to the organization. Note that some states, such as Maryland, have specific requirements regarding the placement of the written disclosure; it must be conspicuous and in a font that can be easily read.

Irs Faqs About Public Disclosure Requirements

While the IRS at the federal level conducts oversight of nonprofit organizations, its resources are limited, and its ability to revoke tax-exempt status is a blunt enforcement mechanism. State governments also are responsible for monitoring charitable organizations, particularly identifying and prosecuting cases in which there is waste, fraud, or abuse. In recent years, California, New York, and New Jersey began requiring charitable organizations to attach an unredacted version of the federal Schedule B forms when filing their information returns with states. In 1998, the IRS chose to create a dedicated, separate form that it could easily remove to guard against accidental disclosure of donor information.

Currently, charitable organizations are required to disclose the names of their major donors to the IRS on Schedule B of their Form 990. A nonprofit is required to file Schedule B with the IRS if it receives contributions greater than $5,000 or more than 2% of revenues from any one contributor. There have been cases in which the IRS accidentally disclosed the data, but less frequently than prior to the creation of the Schedule B. Fortunately, not all states require a disclosure statement, but several states do have statutory requirements that a disclosure must be provided to potential donors on any written solicitation. Tax-exempt organizations that are required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, are required to answer the questions included in Part VI of the form. The IRS uses the information in Part VI to monitor compliance by tax-exempt organizations with federal tax laws.

Maryland requires that the words “For the cost of postage and copies” be inserted in the paragraph concerning the availability of the financial statement from the Secretary of State. Georgia – A full and fair description of our programs and our financial statement summary is available upon request at the office and phone number indicated above.

Forms & Instructions

Upon written request, the IRS will also provide a copy of the background file with taxpayer identifying information deleted. The background file includes a copy of the ruling request or application for exempt status and all supporting documents. One of the critical roles of the nonprofit sector is to serve the rights and interests of minorities because democratic governments are more likely to meet the needs of majorities.

Are nonprofits required to do an annual report?

Almost all charitable nonprofits that are recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS are required to file an annual report with the IRS, known as the “Form 990.” The IRS Form 990 is a public document that is available on GuideStar, and also from the charitable nonprofit, upon request, in accordance with IRS “public disclosure …

Many states require nonprofits to file annual reports that include financial information. Some states require nonprofits to register with a government agency, usually the office of the secretary of state, if the organization solicits donations in the state. Maryland requires nonprofits to include on written solicitations and donor receipts the statement that the organization’s current financial statement is available upon request. A private foundation must also make its exemption application, supporting documents, and letters sent from the IRS available for public inspection, and provide copies of these documents in the same manner as other exempt organizations.

Forms And Documents

Opponents of states collecting Schedule Bs also note that states have accidentally released confidential donor information in the past and may not be trusted stewards of the data. Their adversaries note that the IRS also has accidentally released donor information in the past. They contend the problem highlights the need for better data security, but it is not necessarily a reason for government agencies to stop collecting data that could prevent nonprofit fraud and abuse. A statement of proposed deletions, citing the statutory basis for each one, and a copy of the ruling request or application on which it indicates, in brackets, each deletion requested. This article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be considered, or relied upon, as legal advice. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights.

While opponents argue that law enforcement can just subpoena donor information, state governments contend they may use the Schedule B to identify cases of suspected fraud in the first place. To assist nonprofits in complying with disparate state disclosure statement requirements, a nationwide Model Disclosure Statement is available here. The text in this statement can be used by nonprofits that solicit nationwide to comply with state disclosure statement requirements. Working with a lawyer who understands the laws surrounding 501 is crucial to making nonprofit status benefit your charity. Speak to a business and commercial law attorney in your area today and make sure your nonprofit has the best chance at success. The IRS’s Final Regulations confirm this stance and allow nonprofits, except 501s and 527s, to avoid disclosing the names of donors of $5,000 or more to the IRS. Therefore, under the Final Regulations, 501, , and organizations need not identify donors on Schedule B. The IRS will continue to redact donor information for “public” 501s .

As this was posted a number of years ago a couple of these laws have changed, but most are still up-to-date. So for additional information relating to state state disclosure statutes you can also check out our Public Disclosure Laws post. You are also welcome to reach out us about your nonprofit disclosure requirement or your charity state registrations. Virginia requires all nonprofits include a disclosure stating that financial statements for the last fiscal year are available from the State Division of Consumer Affairs. Wisconsin – A financial statement of the charitable organization disclosing assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue and expenses for the preceding fiscal year will be provided to any person upon request. Nonprofit organizations have bylaws, which are guidelines for how an organization must be run and policies and procedures it must follow. Some nonprofits require specific financial disclosures to the members in its bylaws, while others don’t address this.

The IRS requires all U.S. tax-exempt nonprofits to make public their three most recent Form 990 or 990-PF annual returns (commonly called “990s”) and all related supporting documents. They must also make public their Form 1023, which organizations file when they apply for tax-exempt status. Sometimes, an organization’s application for recognition of tax-exempt status is denied, or its exempt status is revoked after an examination. Internal Revenue Code section 6110 requires the IRS to publish final letters that revoke or deny an organization’s exempt status, but with taxpayer identifying information deleted.

Some nonprofits obtain federal tax-exempt status, requesting a 501 designation from the U.S. This includes filing your nonprofit’s financial statement, as we will discuss below. A political organization exempt from taxation under § 527 must make available for inspection and copying its report of contributions and expenditures on Form 8872,Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures. However, such organization is not required to make available its return on Form 1120-POL, U.S. A political organization exempt from taxation under section 527 must make available for inspection and copying its report of contributions and expenditures on Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures.

Strengthening Nonprofits

There is a maximum penalty of $10,000 for each failure to provide a copy of an annual information return. There is no maximum penalty for the failure to provide a copy of an exemption application. An organization exempt under § 501 must make available for public inspection and copying any Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return, filed after August 17, 2006. Returns must be available for a three-year period beginning with the due date of the return .

The organization might provide another bar or pie chart that shows where its funds came from, such as membership dues, education and training fees, sponsorships and donations. To protect personal information, do not include any personal identifying information not required by the IRS on your forms. Free search tool of more than 2 million Forms 990 and 990-PF for U.S. nonprofits.

Controversial issues and marginalized communities often rely upon nonprofits to provide services and voice their perspective in the public policy process. On the issue of Schedule B, arguments against required disclosure often boil down to ensuring government oversight and reporting do not discourage support of organizations representing democratic minorities. Marginalized communities and unpopular causes must continue to be protected under the U.S. Nonprofits have been reporting donor information to the Internal Revenue Service since the 1940s.