Synonyms and Antonyms for biweekly

Synonyms and Antonyms for biweeklySome employers pay hourly semimonthly employees current (for 86.67 hours) and estimate overtime then they make adjustments on the next pay period. Payroll processing for biweekly salaried employees differs from processing for semimonthly salaried employees. Full-time biweekly salaried employees are generally paid 80 hours each payday while semimonthly employees receive 86.67 hours. Specifically, full-time salaried employees are compensated for 2,080 work hours yearly.When you receive pay every two weeks, you may think that it’s the equivalent of being paid twice per month. While usually you do get paid twice per month when you receive bi-weekly pay, sometimes you get paid more than twice in a month, depending on how many weeks are in the month. Because there are 52 weeks in a year, there are 26 bi-weekly pay periods.

adv twice a month

I don’t think words have devolved, I think people, specifically our literacy and attention to detail have devolved. Factor in an increase in cultural diversity and we have a society where a growing majority misuse words and, over time, redefine the English language.

In other languages

Most states have payday laws, which mandate how often employees should be paid. If your state requires at least biweekly payments, you may pay employees more frequently but not less. An employer who adheres to a biweekly payroll supplies paychecks every two weeks. If you pay your employees biweekly, you typically pay them 26 times a year. Once you start the year, you’ll pay your employees once every two weeks.Languages suffocate and die under conquerors, dictators, and other extreme duress. Yes, adults will complain of leet just as vehemently as teenagers will complain of Shakespeare, but rest assured that if your language is living and breathing, the people who use it are as well! Although they are close in timeframe they don’t technically equal each other.If I get paid biweekly, I will receive 26 paychecks in a year. If I get paid semimonthly, I will get receive 24 weeks a year. Although it is a small difference, it is a difference. Paying semimonthly means you are making 24 payments each year (two payments each month).However, the example for bi-weekly given (“This magazine is published bi-weekly, on the 1st and 15th of the month.”) is I think incorrect. Because weeks are of fixed length and months are not, bi-weekly (ie. every two week) publications can’t possibly fall on the 1st and 15th of every month. Semi-monthly should have been applied in this instance.I posit that the discussion here is dominated by “prescriptivists”, because, in regard to language, they hold clear communication above all else and hence, will seek out an authority to “solve the matter,” so to speak. Now, before you claim your camp in the war for linguistic superiority, note that the discussions here have been quite lively… linguistically speaking, that is of supreme importance. We, fortunately, IMHO, are dealing with a living language and this is but one evidence of how truly alive it is.

Monthly synonyms

A semimonthly payroll requires less payroll processing than a biweekly payroll since it happens only 24 times per year. For example, the employee may receive payment for 12 days during one pay period and 13 days the next. To allow enough time for payroll processing, the pay period ending date for a semimonthly hourly payroll may be earlier than for a biweekly hourly payroll.Payroll processing for biweekly hourly employees is straightforward; however, processing for semimonthly hourly employees can get confusing. For biweekly hourly employees, simply pay the employee according to the number of hours he worked over the past two weeks. For semimonthly hourly employees, to avoid confusion, most employers give employees a payroll calendar, which shows when semimonthly time cards should be submitted for each pay period. Since some months have 31 days and others have 30, a semimonthly hourly employee may sometimes receive payment for different number of days.

Why does biweekly have two meanings?

Biweekly and bimonthly can mean the same thing because of the prefix bi-, which here can mean “occurring every two” or “occurring twice in.” Therefore, biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean “every other week” if it’s twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.”

What comes once in a year twice in a week and never in a day?

If I tried to sell bi-weekly as twice a week (semi-weekly) when I was in elementary/middle school years ago, I’d currently be the oldest 5th grader on the planet. At the current rate, in another years, bi-weekly may mean a few times a week, every several weeks or anything in between. A person who gets paid biweekly (every two weeks) gets 26 paychecks a year. If a worker is earning a known annual salary, then it all comes out the same whether it is divided by 24 and paid semimonthly or whether it is divided by 26 and paid biweekly. Being paid every two weeks is much different than being paid semimonthly.

Bi vs. Semi (weekly, monthly, annually)

Additionally, your employees will be happy to be paid more often (as opposed to monthly or semimonthly). Some wages and salaries are paid on a fortnightly basis; however, in North America it is far more common to use the term biweekly.


This highlights the subtle difference between the bi- and semi- prefix when applied to a temporal word. If your employer tells you that you get paid semi-monthly (ie. 1st and 15th) and you take that to mean bi-weekly and set your auto billpay for every other Friday, you’ll be bouncing checks on most months!Biweekly is the most common option for a business’s pay period in the U.S. Biweekly pay means you pay your employees on a set day once every two weeks, resulting in 26 paychecks per year. Because payday occurs once every two weeks, some months will have three paychecks. Biweekly can be helpful if most of your employees are hourly workers.

Is biweekly twice a week or once every two weeks?

Here’s what you’ll find: Biweekly means once every two weeks or twice a week. In addition, a biweekly publication is issued every two weeks and a bimonthly publication is issued every two months. Semiweekly means twice a week.Bi- simply means “two fixed periods added together”; semi means “happening twice in a fixed period”. Semi- can always mean bi- but bi- may not necessarily imply semi-.

adj occurring every two months

This might sound simple, but that means for two months out of the year, you’ll have three pay periods instead of two. I detect a fair bit of frustration in the posts being tossed about here and it certainly will not end with this thread. For the frustrated, your angst is understandable as you seek closure, but I offer some perspective on the cost of closure. The issue surrounding the fate of “bi” and whether it has “devolved” to the current state is one of prescriptive and descriptive linguistics.Neither of these terms should be confused with semimonthly, which divides a year into exactly 24 periods (12 months × 2), instead of the 26 (52 weeks ÷ 2) of fortnightly/biweekly. Semimonthly means your employees get paid on two specific days of the month, regardless of when they fall. For instance, you might choose to pay your employees on the 15th and 30th of every month. This does not happen with a semimonthly payroll, which always happens 24 times per year. To simplify payroll processing and to reduce employee confusion, some employers pay hourly employees biweekly and salaried employees semimonthly; others simply pay all employees on a biweekly basis.