Tamil Language Trying to Keep Up With the Times
Examples in English:
It collocates with the nouns denoting certain responsibility to form compounds. The paper discusses in details about the different types of formation of compound verbs in Tamil. Tamil Wikipedia was started on September 30, 2003 by an anonymous person by posting a link to their Yahoo! Group and the text manitha maembaadu (மனித மேம்பாடு), fittingly, a phrase that means human development, on the Main Page. However, for several weeks after that, the site had an all-English interface with little activity.
Comprehensive தமிழ் பொருள்
A case study on Tamil Wikipedia has revealed 3 distinct growth phases so far. Important characterisations of the editors as well as the Wiki itself has been made. Main problems coming in the way of its growth have been identified and future plans are outlined. Conducting similar studies on other language Wikipedias that are in a similar phase of growth could reveal commonalities as well as distinct characteristics.Ofcourse, not all N+ vai combination can be taken as compound verbs. bringing out an offline collection of wiki articlesThe 28,000 articles in the Tamil edition of the concise Britannica, currently being sold in the market, are of stub-quality. A collection of 5,000 selected articles from Tamil Wikipedia, published after manual perusal, will definitely have a number of takers. In fact, a collection of wildlife articles for school children and an assorted collection of good articles given to scientific research students have been well-received.Mayooranathan, in response to a request posted in a mailing list, completed 95% of the localisation between November 4, 2003 and November 22, 2003. On November 12, 2003 Amala Singh from the United Kingdom wrote the first article in Tamil, but with an English title Shirin Ebadi.This case study attempts to characterise the Tamil Wikipedia, its editorial team, growth trends, challenges faced, and plans to take it to the next important stage. ‘depositing as security for repayment’ collocates with vai to form compound verbs. eRRu is not a productive verbalizer as it does not form nonce formations.
About English Language
eeRu is not a productive verbalizer as it does not form nonce formations. and case inflected nouns can come before a verbalizing verb to form compounds. In English Wikipedia, the primary and nearly the singular motivation for editors, is to document and spread knowledge.Several topics, on diverse areas, are being covered for the first time in Tamil. Tamil Wikipedia editors endeavour to attain currency of knowledge, by writing articles on topics that are emerging in science, technology, politics etc. As is customary, especially in agglutinative languages, suitable terminologies are coined as needed from existing words and roots.The earliest editor who continues to edit actively, Mayooranathan, has written more than 2760 articles and has kept the project alive during an intervening period when practically nobody else was editing. Around five active editors including the author joined the project in the second half of 2004. Some occasional editors turned out to become regular editors and the Wiki started growing steadily. Even at this early stage, the Tamil Wikipedia had a global editorial team representing almost every continent. language, it appears to be a productive verbalizer as it can form nonce formations.Tamil is a classical language spoken by more than 78 million people across the world with a rich literary tradition spanning millennia. Significant acclaimed Tamil literature has existed for over two thousand years. The Tamil language Wikipedia has 18,021 articles (as of writing), a number of them of good quality.
- Tamil Wikipedia was started on September 30, 2003 by an anonymous person by posting a link to their Yahoo! Group and the text manitha maembaadu (மனித மேம்பாடு), fittingly, a phrase that means human development, on the Main Page.
- The paper discusses in details about the different types of formation of compound verbs in Tamil.
- It collocates with the nouns denoting certain responsibility to form compounds.
Synonyms of comprehensive
Editors are aged between 15 and 85 years, with a non-uniform but remarkably not power law distribution in between. Educational qualifications and income levels too vary across the spectrum.
comprehensive – meaning in Tamil
Three distinct growth phases have been identified in this case study of Tamil Wikipedia since late 2003. Several distinct characteristics of the Wikipedia and its editors are identified. Outreach efforts and sibling projects are also discused in this study. Meaning and definitions of comprehensive, translation in Tamil language for comprehensive with similar and opposite words.Other Tamil Wiki projects are Wiktionary, Wikinews, Wikisource, Wikibooks, and Wikiquotes. However, Tamil Wiktionary is the one project that has matured and grown well. Mainly seeded by an automated bot adding entries from technical dictionaries, the Tamil Wiktionary reached more than 1,00,000 entries and was featured on the main Wiktionary page for sometime. It has attracted more editors since then, and, at this stage, its sustenance and future growth is guaranteed.
Antonyms of comprehensive
More information regarding the profiles of editors as well as visitors to Tamil Wikipedia will come out when the results of the UNU-MERIT survey are published. Based on some available monitoring tools, it has been identified that there are approximately 60,000 page requests each day. Tamil Wikipedia has had a diverse set of editors from the beginning. Editors came from various disciplines like Architecture, Biotechnology, Economics, Electronics, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music, Social Welfare etc. The editors are from various professions—engineers, scientists, academics, students, administrators, self-employed people, etc.
About Tamil Language

Also find spoken pronunciation of comprehensive in Tamil and in English language. Meaning and definitions of comprehensive, translation in tamil language for comprehensive with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of comprehensive in tamil and in English language. First edition 1862, published by Asian Educational Service.This book is one of the rare book in Tamil.However, in the case of Tamil Wikipedia, most of the editors view this as a way to spread precious knowledge in Tamil. Many editors are motivated for being able to enrich the modern Tamil corpus, by adding quality content in Tamil. After registering a period of high linear growth in several metrics on a lower base, the Tamil Wikipedia started witnessing, around April 2007, a low linear growth on a higher base in several quantitative metrics. This period, however, also showed a perceivably super-linear growth in article quality aspects like length, standard of prose, image use, inline citation usage, etc.