The Beginner’s Guide To Effective Cause Marketing Strategies

Most cause marketing managers have at least a bachelor’s degree in marketing, public administration, business or social work. Cause marketing managers will begin in general entry-level marketing or non-profit positions and work their way up the career ladder. Cause marketing managers are responsible for securing and managing marketing and brand partnerships. They are responsible for providing continued support for their brand partners as the relationship enhances both organizations’ financial success and credibility.

Use custom data from your app to power timely, relevant marketing campaigns. Because Essence and Pine-Sol are both brands started by Black entrepreneurs, this contest connects to the companies as much as the target audience.

Through these partnerships, Warby Parker has reached people in more than 50 countries. Countless businesses have successfully leveraged cause marketing to boost sales by showing customers that they care about social good. Their success comes from focusing their message in ways that are both compelling and relevant to the social issues consumers care about and that the brands support. However, as companies and nonprofits gain more experience, and consumers continue to demand that businesses participate in building a better world, cause marketing will likely persist. Great good can come from cause marketing campaigns when all parties choose causes and businesses well. And, as consumers continue to put their money where their hearts are, charities can look for opportunities to use cause marketing to further their missions.

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The nonprofit, in exchange for their ethical contributions to the collaboration, creates more awareness for their organization. Cause-related marketing is highly beneficial for companies who want to improve perception of their brand. For example, as a consumer, brands that are visually socially responsible will always catch my eye. If I found out about a company from their cause-related post, I’d want to learn more about them and what they offer — and financially support the campaign. It’s likely you’ve come across cause-related marketing campaigns from your favorite brands.

Although millennials make over half of their purchases online, only 6% of them think that online advertising is credible. Cause marketing is another way to reach clients online without directly advertising your products or service. You can raise awareness for your cause and your business at the same time, escaping the scrutiny and disregard given straightforward advertisements. This is especially important for companies that operate entirely online. Increased loyalty from customers is another tangible benefit enjoyed by companies who participate in cause marketing campaigns.

Having businesses involved expands the audience to match the massiveness of the issues. Or, a company might create an issue and raise awareness about it (like Dove’s Real Beauty campaign, for instance).

What Types Of Careers Work With Cause Marketing Strategies?

Get access to tools in your Mailchimp account designed just for freelancers and agencies like you. The hair dye company uses segments and Mailchimp’s WooCommerce integration to boost the relevance of their messaging and drive more sales. Get perks and tools for managing clients when you join our free community, Mailchimp & Co. Sync your store data and connect other tools to unlock more automation features. Add online scheduling to your website so people book appointments with you. To promote Black female entrepreneurship, the magazine partnered with Pine-Sol to launch the “Build Your Legacy” contest. Beauty Bakerie, a Black-owned business, states in the Instagram post, “It’s important we all do what we can do within our scope and our reach to dismantle systems put in place that ignore the value of any life.”

How do you become a consumer with a cause?

Welcome consumers to your social media and website pages with information about your cause. Reinforce why customers should feel good about your company after they have made a purchase. Encourage customers to share their involvement in your social cause.

In addition, non-profit partners are also likely to enjoy increased advertising and visibility due to their association with the for-profit company. Pepsi’s ad was a spectacular failure because it was so absurdly inauthentic, but being genuine with your cause-based marketing is not always enough. In 2018, beer company Brew Dog released a beer that they titled “Pink IPA”—a play on their most popular drink “Punk IPA.” Pink IPA came in a pink bottle. The goal of the drink was to criticize companies that exploit women’s issues for profits.

Is Cause Marketing Effective?

It can also help ensure you follow up and create personalized messages of gratitude and appreciation. Making your audience feel involved will give them a sense of responsibility—as 96% of people feel their own actions can make a difference. Messaging and outreach that validates these feelings can be a great way to drive engagement. A successful cause marketing campaign can bring many benefits, from generating new leads to creating loyalty and trust among your customers. Done properly, cause marketing will help both your business and your nonprofit partner. It’s important to make a strategic marketing plan before launching your campaign to ensure that both parties will get the most out of the collaboration.

Their Tied with Pride campaign combines a line of rainbow-detailed Pride clothing and shoes with a fundraiser and an extensive digital and social campaign. This comprehensive strategy has cemented the role that Kenneth Cole plays in the LGBT community. Furthermore, 67% of people are happy to pay more to have a great experience. The satisfaction of contributing to a good cause can aid customers’ experiences and will make them even more willing to pay more. Practically any business can take advantage of this form of marketing. Cause marketing may have a special meaning for online retailers, eCommerce of all kinds, and any other company that may be lacking in natural attention-getting.


Welcome consumers to your social media and website pages with information about your cause. Banners reinforcing your cause in every email and on social media, as well as in every other advertising campaign. Kenneth Cole has a number of initiatives to further their causes of social justice and equality.

Walmart partnered with the nonprofit organization Feeding America for this campaign. As a result, Walmart took an active role in educating shoppers and consumers online and in the store about the number of Americans who worry about whether they will have enough to eat from day to day. In addition, Walmart harnessed the power of social media and donated 90 cents to pay for food for the disadvantaged for every relevant #FightHunger hashtag posted. Warby Parker continues to partner with various health care and medical organizations to donate glasses to those in need. They also teach their nonprofit partners how to administer basic eye exams and give vision-impaired children free glasses so they can continue their education more easily. They have paired with businesses like VisionSpring and created programs like Pupils Project to provide free vision screenings and eye exams to schoolchildren.

Uber’s ‘Move What Matters’ campaign saw the ride-hailing and delivery company urging customers to stay at home rather than use its service at the start of Covid-19 lockdowns. The company also pledged to provide 10 million rides and food deliveries to healthcare workers, seniors, and people in need for free during the pandemic. With this in mind, here are some recent examples of cause marketing campaigns from Starbucks, JetBlue, and Uber – three brands targeting purpose-driven consumers. Make sure to do your research and create a campaign that will work for you. ShoppingGives makes it easy for you to raise money for a charitable cause and incorporate powerful marketing campaigns in your business. Every business, from an entrepreneur just setting out to a well-established multi-million dollar company, wants loyal customers.

The organizers donated 50% of the money directly to restaurant workers to support them if they were unemployed. Additionally, 25% went to nonprofits serving restaurant workers, and the last 25% went towards zero-interest loans for struggling establishments. So far, The Body Shop has donated over 4 million dollars’ worth of their products around the world. Care packages with shampoo, conditioner, and shower wash support healthcare workers, volunteers, and those that require assisted living.

Currently, the campaign’s web page has recent articles about voter suppression and information about how, and where, to vote. Upon learning about Starbucks’ dedication to education — something also important to me — I was more motivated than ever to support the company. Because I knew my money was going towards college tuition, and happily ordered a larger coffee than I was planning on purchasing. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. Candid’s Online Librarian service will answer your questions within two business days. Learn now about corporate fundraising withIntroduction to Corporate Giving, our free class.

Strategically Select A Good Time For The Campaign

PR support yielded widespread broadcast, print and online coverage, helping the program attract more than 9,000 individuals for free skin-cancer screenings. Marketing executives have seen the writing on the wall about cause marketing and how it can sway customers to choose their brand over a competitor’s. It works because for-profit companies partner with non-profit organizations for fundraising purposes to benefit a worthy cause. When a cause marketing campaign is orchestrated successfully, both parties win. Cause marketing increases brand awareness and exposure for the nonprofit partner.

They turned their top-selling drink, Punk IPA, into a reminder of their worst failure, forever hurting their brand. Businesses are held accountable by their customers, and many choose to participate in corporate social responsibility campaigns. Consumers are more aware of business practices today than ever before and care about where their money goes. By choosing corporate social responsibility, businesses can align their goals with helping make the world a better place. Cause marketing involves a collaboration between a for-profit business and a nonprofit organization for a common benefit. Cause marketing can also refer to social or charitable campaigns put on by for-profit brands.