What is an Income Statement

The income statement is a document that is showing information about profit (income), loss (expenses), as well as the difference between the above indicators of cash for a certain period. You can use the report to analyze changes in the volume of capital due to the business activity of the enterprise or company. 

Example of Income Statement

A distinctive feature of cost and expenses is the reflection of adjustments in the inventory of finished goods. To maximize the coverage of the company’s activities and net profit, many enterprises combine functional and natural schemes.

Multi-Step Income Statement

When preparing an example of a report about profit, you should consider:

Common Size Income Statement

Profit and loss accounting is usually allocated to the items of the general list. In this case, the recording consists of three stages:

Single-Step Income Statement

With the one-step method, the positions of the income statement are divided into two categories: revenues and gains on the one hand, and expenses and losses on the other. The profit indicator is obtained in one step by subtracting the total amount of operating expenses from the total amount of income. Usually, when using this financial method, the profit line is called operating income or income from continuing operations.

Comparing the Income Statement Vs the Balance Sheet 

The balance sheet shows the company’s assets, liabilities (debts), and equity. Assets are listed first in order of liquidity, including short-term investments. Income and expenses from the sale or other activities are recorded in the income statement because they are classified as operating or non-operating activities in the business.

Rules for making the statementWhen making it, you must follow the following rules:

You should also follow these recommendations:

To date, the document can be submitted to the tax service in three main ways.

The situation is more complicated for organizations – all legal entities are required to submit their annual accounting reports by the year following the reporting year. At the same time, both the balance sheet and all attached forms must be accurate and correctly filled out based on primary and accounting documentation. To make competent accounting statements yourself, it is advisable to follow the following rules: